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    Monday, January 23, 2006

    Women in America---Are you "HOT"???---NOT

    After watching Dr. Phil today, I felt inspired to post something on his message board and this is what I posted below. The show was about women and "body image".

    "This show is just a good example of what is happening to the female culture of American women. It seems that so many American women feel the need to be considered "hot". To me it is a slap in the face of any woman to describe them the way you would food,,,but what do i know? I am an attractive girl and have never had any problems with my body image. Living in a society like ours makes me want to rebel. When I go out I purposely dress in a way to attract as little attention as possible. I don't want creepy men staring at me and looking at me just like they do everybody else. Why should a smart, pretty girl like myself crave the attention of the opposite sex when it is sooo easy to get? Seriously,,,,just walk around a mall and watch men staring at women. The women don't have to be pretty,,,just skinny and dressed like what would be considered a whore back in 1950. What happened to modesty? Is modesty something to be ashamed of in the year 2006? Modesty is beautiful. Flaunting yourself,,,having men slap you on the butt,,,etc,,,is nothing to be proud of...and hearing the term HOT is such a freaking joke. I'm not HOT...i am beautiful,,,inside and out.

    Just say NO to Girls Gone wild and bring back dignity to American women."

    That was my post on his board,,,out of frustration, that somehow the women's lib movement has missed the mark on what beauty really is. Does any future generation of American women stand the chance of breaking this curse???

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